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Number of workpiece touch CNC machine tool manufacturers to introduce to you

2021-05-26 05:59:49

When processing, the number of the head of the clamping workpiece to touch the number, to determine the processing benchmark zero, the number of the head can be used photoelectric or mechanical. The method can be divided into two kinds: one-sided and split collision number. The steps are as follows:

The optoelectronic is still, and the mechanical speed is 450-600rpm. In the middle touch number manually move the X axis of the worktable, so that the touch number head touches the workpiece side, when the touch number head just touches the workpiece and the red light, the relative coordinate value of this point is set to zero; Then manually move the X axis of the worktable, so that the touch head touches the other side of the workpiece. When the touch head just touches the workpiece, the relative sitting mark down at this time. The diameter of the contact head (that is, the length of the workpiece) is taken as the relative value to check whether the length of the workpiece meets the requirements of the drawing. The numerical control machine operation of the relative coordinate number divided by 2, the value obtained is the workpiece X axis of the median, and the intermediate value of the workbench to the X axis, the point of the X axis of the relative coordinate value is set to 0, the value of this point is the workpiece X axis of zero. Carefully record the zero value on the X-axis of the workpiece in the corresponding coordinate system, and let the machine determine the zero value on the X-axis of the workpiece. Double check that these figures are correct. The setting steps of the zero position of the Y axis are the same as those of the X axis.

Prepare all tools according to the instructions of the program.

Based on the tool data in the programming operation instructions, the tool that needs to be machined is replaced and the tool touches the measuring device on the datum surface. When the red light of the measuring device is on, the phase setting value of the point is set to zero. Move the cutter to a safe position, move the manual CNC machine tool brand down the 50mm cutter, and then set the phase coordinate value of the CNC machine tool at this position to 0, that is, the zero point of the Z axis. Record the mechanical coordinate Z value of this point in the corresponding coordinate system. Complete the zero setting of X,Y and Z axes of the workpiece. Double check that these figures are correct.


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Contact person: Xu Zhongyuan and Zheng Ye

Contact number: 0574-86813333

Hand machine: 13867844944

Address: No. 15, Lingnan Sifentou, Xingan Rian Road, Beilun, Ningbo

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